Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Back in the US - Start of Home Phototherapy Treatment

I've arrived safely back in the US now and have started my phototherapy treatment phase. My doctor wants me to do whole body pseudocatalase application twice a day as well as phototherapy treatment twice for the first month back. Then, for 2 months she wants me to change the phototherapy to once a day. I have to say this is quite time intensive but is slowly becoming the new normal.

I purchased out of pocket a phototherapy unit (prescription required) from uv biotek( Contrary to their website, I believe it is highly unlikely that insurance plans will assist in payment, but I hope I'm wrong. I have to say my apartment is small and it barely fits the unit's height. It is very heavy and I had to do a customized wall mount install to keep it in place. UV Biotek provided a free unit stand but there is not enough clearance for me to use it.

My experience with UV Biotek was both good and bad. It was great through the sales process but then as I was arranging for the shipping date and unit final install through phone, it was a ghost town. Since you have to call them to activate the unit (you need prescribed doses), you have to call them. When I called person X on Friday, she said I could not install it until Tuesday because a necessary warehouse person was unavailable, whom she needed info from. Thankfully, another employee helped correct the situation, which was a pleasant, but unexpected surprise. I was disappointed in the customer service on the back end for an appliance as major (and not cheap) as this.

In terms of treatment details, I do it once in the morning and once before I sleep. It may take 25 minutes total to do each treatment right now. Perhaps I can get faster. I was told to do treatments on my face fully and lower arms/hands fully clothed then without clothes for the rest of my body (while covering the head). Since you have to go through the different sides of the body and also reset the unit timer, it takes time. After this month, hopefully it will be an easier process since I will only have to do it once a day.

I am also trying to take pictures, likely on a weekly basis to see progress.

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